‘Being Green and Clean is not just an aspiration but an action’Under Nature’s HavenAt. S.A. Engineering College, We believe that a clean, green and a pollution free environment provides an unblemished backdrop for an effective learning experience. We have therefore left no stone unturned in the development of a green ecosystem to provide enrichment to the mind, heart and soul of the everyone in the campus.All the avenues and roads within the College campus therefore are adorned with tall trees and beautiful flowers to create a homogenous feeling amongst everyone within the campus.The Pivots of the environmental policyØ Solid Waste ManagementØ Waste Water ManagementØ Rainwater harvestingØ Optimum Use of Solar Energya. Solid Waste ManagementAt S.A. Engineering College the solid waste are collected and segregated as degradable and non-degradable waste and it is transported to the nearest municipal waste collection area through trucks.Proposed management of solid waste: Solid wastes are collected daily and dumped in pits excavated for this purpose inside the campus area and allowed to decompose.b. E-Waste ManagementOld computers and its accessories are sold as scrap to M/s. VIROGREEN INDIA Pvt. Ltd., designated as authorized buyer by theTamil Nadu Pollution Control Board. For this purpose, MoU has been initiated with the firm.Liquid waste managementWaste water from college is cleaned and the recycled water is diverted to the garden to maintain plants inside the campusRain water harvesting structures and utilization in the campus
S.A.ENGINEERING COLLEGE has implemented rainwater harvesting, which has saved significant amount of water. CSE, ECE & MECHANICAL blocks have rainwater-harvesting structure and the rainwater is allowed to go underground through the structures. The rain water which is channelized to raise the ground water level. Since the college well is much below the road level, water level rises in rainy season. Water collected from terrace by PVC pipe (4 inch pipe) outlet depends upon the area and number of pipes provided. Water is flowing through the pipes and drains in the rainwater harvesting pit. The drain wells are constructed for water collection & recharge of surrounding ground. Rain water pit is filled with gravels and sand for percolation of water for recharging the surrounding ground area. Total 3 numbers of 3’0” dia 5’0” depth rain water harvesting pit are available at the campus. |
Green Practices
Use of Bicycles
In S.A. Engineering College few Non-teaching staff as well as some students uses bicycles to come to college.
Pedestrian Friendly Roads
Pedestrian Friendly Roads are used by students, staff and others to move around the campus.
Plastic-free campus
To create awareness among the students about use of plastic materials and to make college as a plastic free campus, International plastic free day (3rd March) is celebrated.
Energy conservation
In our college, classrooms have number of large windows, so natural light is sufficient instead of using the electric lights.
Use of renewable energy
Solar power is utilized for 21 Streets lights. (Per day Average of 76 KWH Power saved)
Efforts for Carbon neutrality
The college has made arrangements for the parking at the entrance itself. This helps in keeping the campus as much as possible clean. The college has taken up preventive measures to check the emission of carbon-dioxide. Only emission tested vehicles are allowed inside the campus. The dead leaves and the waste papers are not allowed to be put on fire.
Tree plantation drives are organized regularly to create clean and green campus. NSS\YRC coordinator organizes tree plantation internally and externally for every semester.
Energy conservation by preventing carbon emission.
Classrooms have number of large windows, so natural light are sufficient instead of using electric lights. Solar heaters are installed in our hostel to conserve energy. The college has 80 Solar Panels to preserve energy.
RO technology is used to purify drinking water.
Organic farming is initiated by avoiding pesticides.
Efforts for Carbon neutrality -The college has made arrangements for the parking at the entrance itself. This helps in keeping the campus as much as possible clean.The college has taken up preventive measures to check the emission of carbondioxide. Only emission tested vehicles areallowed inside the campus.
The dead leaves and the waste papers are not allowed to be put on fire. The leaves are buried in the soil itself.
The labs are well ventilated and spacious and equipped with exhausts. 24 hours water supply is available in labs and safety of the students is given top priority in planning a facility